Oral Surgery - Implants - Invisalign - Periodontics
Our offering covers the full spectrum of procedures including restoration of deteriorated smiles, enhancement of natural smiles, and the design of custom smiles. Below are just some of the many procedures and services we regularly provide to our patients – with a gentle touch, and stunning results. Your smile is our priority. We’ll give you a reason to smile!
Overview of Services
- Cosmetic Surgery - Corrects length discrepancies, gummy smiles, and altered eruption
- Gingival (Soft Tissue) Grafting - Corrects recession and root sensitivity
- Dental Implants – Replaces missing teeth
- Extractions/ Socket Grafting – Preparation for implant placement
- Ridge Augmentation - For implant placement & cosmetic purposes
- Sinus Grafting – for implant placement
- Osseous Surgery – Corrects more advanced periodontal infection
- Bone Grating – Repair periodontal bone defects
- Invisalign - Aligns teeth for improved health and cosmetics
- Supportive Periodontal Therapy – Periodic maintenance cleaning
- Scaling and Root Planning – “Deep” cleaning under local anesthetic to treat early to moderate periodontal infection
We look forward to providing you with the personal care you deserve. If you have any questions, concerns, or would like to schedule an appointment, please contact us today.